Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Boobs are awesome. But why?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mustache Rides: Not Just for Humans Anymore
If you have ever wondered why you are undoubtedly drawn to the prowess of Tom Selleck, wonder no more: The Mustache. It is a scientifically proven fact that women, and some men, are sexually predisposed to the tractor beam that is The Mustache. Now, well a few months ago actually, scientists have found that a fish uses the same power that Magnum P.I. uses to seduce young women. The Mexican Molly found in, you guessed it, Mexico has been shown to utilize a little "Mustache like structure" atop its upper lip to attract females of the same species. So there you go, start growing that lip patch of goodness. The fish babes will dig it.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Happy Meal, Sans Pleasure: Let Them Have Toys!
Cracker Jacks were once incredible boxes of sugar, love, baseball, and a free "surprise inside". They are still important in the baseball world, mainly thanks to the song that nudged it into the realm of necessary snack at a ball game. The difference between the new jacks and the original: the "surprise". Maybe I just have assumptions based on stories told through movies, but weren't rings, whistles, or some other three dimensional practical object those wonderful surprises awaiting the purchaser of the sacred ball park delicacy? Well, Cracker Jack has been kinda slacking on the whole toy thing. My recent visit to a baseball game left me unsatisfied in the toy department upon purchase of my box of Cracker Jacks; my "surprise" was a piece of paper that was to be folded in the shape of Benjamin Franklin. It was a surprise, and I guess Cracker Jack is going for disappointing shock value now. I felt betrayed, duped, completely empty inside. I purchased a sugary product in hopes that the surprise inside would be just as unnecessary and lacking in any sort of nutritional and/or educational value. Well, thanks Cracker Jacks, I learned something.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Smoking some Ciggs
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Love: An Analysis Part II: The Evolutionary and Psychological Stance
Being a dork for the majority of my life, I've had my fair share of ups and downs. I've seen success in love, but mostly failure. I've rebelled against my best instincts, swearing myself to a life as a bachelor. I've embraced my basest needs and chased multiple partners. I've overcome those same needs and dedicated myself to monogamy. I've analyzed what I want in a partner, and I've analyzed why someone would or wouldn't want me. In conclusion, I've spent a lot of time thinking about what love means, where it comes from, and how it affects us. This is obviously because of how lonely I actually am.
If there is one indisputable truth about the world we live in it's this: People are awesome creatures. It's not because God made us that way, because God didn't seem to give us any advantages over most types of other animals. If anything, He stacked the deck against us. What makes people so special, to me anyhow, is at how well we exploit the advantages we were given, such as opposable thumbs and the intellect to use tools. We've used this simple advantage to become the most adaptable creatures to ever walk the Earth, physically changing habitats to suit our needs. We've evolved so far we've overcome nature, to a point.
That being said, we're still weak creatures. If an average person were to physically go up against almost any other animal, insect, or plant in the wild, even with a weapon, they'd be dead within minutes. It's because of this weakness that we've evolved to love.
In David Funder's The Personality Puzzle he details how the English psychoanalyst John Bowlby theorized that love had it's origins in staking a claim on survival. Whenever we feel alone or are sick and/or injured we have an almost unexplainable innate desire to have someone who loves us by our side. Mr. Bowlby believes this is for protection; We want someone who is invested in us to help protect us and increase our chances of survival.
Children are in an even worse position. The worst kept secret in the history of the universe is that children suck, mostly because they smell bad and they're selfish. Here's another reason children are a plague to humanity: They're useless and take up valuable resources. So why bother taking care of them? The reason for maternal and (sometimes - definitely not in my case though...) paternal love is so the child can survive and continue the species. Steven Johnson wrote the following quote summing up what I just said in the article Addicted to Love from Discover Magazine: "The biological capacity for love is one way the brain prepares us for offspring who are born young and helpless and need tending to have the slightest hope of survival." For homo sapiens, any hope of survival depends on relying on others. Following this logic, the best way to know you can rely on someone is to be sure they love you. Which is exactly why women can never rely on me.
Between this stage and the romantic love phase is usually when people find themselves becoming possessive of their mate - another evolutionary advantage. There are several evolutionary advantages to this, such as that whole protection and caring for thing I talked about earlier. However, before DNA testing became such a popular way of figuring out who your parents were, this possessiveness was also one of the only ways for men to know the child was theirs and they had successfully passed on their genes.
While I was finishing one of my many years of college (because I'm so smart) I took a personality psychology course. One day our professor (her name escapes me, so I'll call her Professor Womanface) took an impromptu survey of the class. The sampling size was probably around 200. Professor Womanface asked how many people would rather their mate be monogamous over successful. Mostly men raised their hands. She then asked the inverse of the question and mostly women raised their hands. She explained that these gender-dominated answers are because women prefer their men to be able to provide for them and their child since there can be no doubt that the child is theirs - the thing does pass through their vagina-hole after all. Men, on the other hand, have no such security in knowing the child is theirs, so it's much more important that their mate be monogamous. Which is funny considering that according to women, most guys go for sluts anyway.
The Psychological Reasons for Love
Anxious-Ambivalent attachment means that a person's caregivers growing up were inconsistent in their behaviors. They would reward only some of the time, and discipline only some of the time. Perhaps the caregiver also contradicted themselves in their discipline and reward patterns, sometimes rewarding for one behavior and later disciplining for the same behavior. This can lead to a clingyness that is on par with the gravitational pull of the sun. So perhaps the "daddy issues" in all women's cases stems from this inconsistency.
There is also the avoidant/distant caregiver. This person's caregiver didn't give them enough attention so, being used to that form of independence, this person is now distant themselves. Most men will tell you that they had an avoidant/distant caregiver when they don't want to talk about their feelings. The flip side to this is a general social retardation: anxieties and a complete lack of understanding of others emotions may abound.
The final type of caregiver is the secure caregiver. Generally, this caregiver gave our hypothetical person a good home life, and they've grown up to be respectful, well-adjusted, independent individuals. I've never met anyone in my life that had a secure caregiver, especially any women.
It is interesting to note, however, that in attachment theory there isn't much mentioned about spoiling one's child. This is assumed to be OK and does not lead to such things as inflated ego, trouble identifying with peers, a disproportionate value placed on material things, and a general annoyingness.
2.) Love/Hate Relationship
4.) Awareness and Disturbance by Contradictory Feelings
The basic principal behind this theory is the idealization of the people around you. Most adults do it still, like when you first meet that hottt grl at the bar and think she's totally cool and smart and you love her only to find out she's actually kind of a bitch and your friends hate her but you keep telling them what a good person she is anyway even though she's clearly not and no this isn't from personal experience stay out of my business you jerk.
As bad as adults can be with things of that sort, children are worse because they lack what us scientists like to call "common sense". There is also the fact that adults tend to hide more things from children (especially their own) than from one another, usually in an effort to protect some sort of innocence which they know will just be brutally ravaged somewhere down the line anyway. Regardless, this theory leads us to a thing called neurotic defense, which is the contradiction of idealizing what you want to destroy. Nobody can live up to an ideal, except me because I am one, and this leads to hard feelings sometimes.
Often, at least according to D.W. Winnicott, children will put the feelings they have for their "love object" into something inanimate - like a stuffed animal. This comforts the child through the loss of their "love object", whether it be on a literal level like death or a more subtle, emotional and psychological level like realizing their parents are actually meth dealers. Silly parents!
In conclusion, love is a battlefield. Or something like that.
And that concludes Craig?'s two part series on love. There was laughter, tears, epiphanies, and several other things not appropriate for your age level, dear reader. If you've taken anything from this opus of a masterwork, we hope it's been that you're bound by love regardless of whether or not you wish to be. Biologically and psychologically we are destined to need love in our lives. Even evolution got all up in this bitch. And that never happens!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Algae: The Most Green Idea EVER
Disasters seem to be running rampant in the energy industry as of late. Maybe it's all just a sign from God telling us that we should rethink the state of our energy sources. Naw, probably not. I must say, however, that both explosions shined the necessary light on both energy issues. In fact, one of Mr. Obama's* tasks is to figure out the future for off shore drilling. Well, thanks BP for showing the president and the idiots off-shore drilling supporters, that off-shore drilling is one of the most dangerous activities a civilization can inflict upon their surrounding ecosystem. ANYWAY, stepping off of my dendrophiliac-pedestal/soapbox let us shift to some ideas for safe, renewable energy.
Both BP and Massey Energy (the company whose West Virginia mine exploded, due to a methane leak, leaving 25 dead) were both awarded with recognitions of safety before their respective disasters. Unfortunately, employees of BP were celebrating the award the night the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, leaving 11 families without their loved ones.
These energy sources are dangerous and detrimental to the environment, not to mention the humans who mine them. There has got to be a better way, right?
The problem with other energy sources is that there is a lack of Big Money, and Big Companies invested in them. Let's get this straight: corn and soy are NOT the renewable energy sources that we, as Americans, should choose for the future. This thought needs to be squashed, quickly. We can NOT use a food source to power our automobiles. I will spare you the reference and analogy of how dumb that is. So why are we still talking about it? Because the Big Companies understand it is a silly endeavor, they understand that if the public is preoccupied with a pipe dream of corn as a combustion agent, then they won't question the lack of advancement in other fields; it is a way to whet the appetite of the public yet still keep them in check.
Right now, the Buffalo Water Authority is using a bacterium that eats poop and farts fuel. Just think of it, an animal that not only gets rid of our, ever increasing, fecal matter but also exhausts a gas that can be used as a combustible. The methane produced by the bacteria is then used to fuel the incinerators that burn off the excess gunk from the water. Not only is the Buffalo Water Authority using its smarts, so is a Rwanda. This story is absolutely incredible, read it and start creating your own biogas fermenter, I know I will.
If petroleum was the first visit by Christ, then the gas exchange performed by algae is definitely the second coming that we have all been waiting for. As of right now, algae can be manipulated to produce two types of gases, methane and hydrogen. A company called Cereplasthas also been able to substitute algae for petroleum in the development of plastics. Not only that, but algae could also be used as a natural carbon dioxide and nitrous gas scrubber for smokestacks. Since algae respires oxygen in exchange for CO2, the organism can gather up the harmful gas and produce something helpful. Once the algae have sequestered the necessary gas, it could then be harvested and be "stripped" of its biofuel and plastic properties and used accordingly.
Using algae as a biofuel is not as easy as it sounds. We aren't talking about the algae that grow like wildfire in your aquarium because you set your tank near a window. These algae need to be loved and are very sensitive, much like Nathan Lane in the Birdcage. Although it isn't the easiest way to harvest fuel, it is by far one of the safest, and the most, dare I say it, green.
Getting back to the devastation of the Massey and BP accidents, we must keep in mind that the government controls where the funding for the future goes. As terrible as it sounds, both disasters needed to happen. They were both the largest disaster of their kind in the history of the United States. They were the wake-up-call that we all needed, and the president suspending off-shore drilling for the next 6 months is a great start. So, keep exploring options. I understand the impossibility of throwing petroleum and coal by the wayside, but we have got to start thinking a little more reasonably. We are responsible for all future oil and coal disasters if we do not act on the precedents made this past year, and learn from our mistakes.
*isn't it funny that everyone just calls him Obama, like he's Gandhi, Jesus, or Madonna...I mean no other president has been called by his last name alone, right?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Love: An Analysis Part I: The Biological Stance
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
All of this Guilt is Making Hungry
So where am I going with all of this? We need a nice backdrop for our discussion, or really just me talking at you, on what we humans are supposed to be eating. If we want to go the route of evolution, which I would like to, we can discuss the purposes of our anatomy and how it interacts with regard to our diet. If we want to just forget about our possible ancestors, or if you are a creationist (Weldon), let's just talk about contemporary problems with the diet most Americans have adopted. I warn you, I will be discussing three of the most debated items in the public's scientific field right now. Evolution, global warming, and vegetarianism (because everyone hates a pretentious, I'm-better-than-you, I only eat non mobile food vegetarian)... Which brings me to the campaign put out by Wendy's to combat this evil vegetarian fad that is quietly taking over our youth: The Meatatarian Campaign
An historical account for the reasons of
my choice to abstain from red meat and pork
The larger farms that most Americans and other westerners get their food from tend to sometimes exploit their opportunities. In the case of the cattle farms, the byproducts of the cattle industry are effecting our environment. "Globally, ruminant livestock produce about 80 million metric tons of methane annually, accounting for about 28% of global methane emissions from human-related activities."
In case you were unfamiliar with methane: "Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas that remains in the atmosphere for approximately 9-15 years. Methane is over 20 times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100-year period..."
Cow farts can be a real pain, but considering only about 4-6% of greenhouse gases are related to Methane production, I will let that fact slide (even though if we did some simple math we would come to find that because of its effect on the atmosphere, even a little methane is more dangerous than a larger amount of CO2). I won't attack the cattle farmers for having WAYY too many cows hanging out in one area. After all, they are only meeting the demand of their customers, who are eating progressively more and more meat. What is slightly more disturbing comes from the products needed for production of such meats. Would you ever give someone a 10 dollar bill so that he could give you 5 dollars in exchange? I didn't think so, but this is exactly what happens in cattle farming, with relation to energy input versus output. In order to raise a cow unto maturity, that cow needs to eat, as well as drink. "...Beef cattle production requires an energy input to protein output ratio of 54:1." In other words, for every fifty pounds of energy producing food that could benefit humans, only one pound of red meat is produced. Not only is food in the form of grain misused, water is too. "Every kilogram of beef produced takes 100,000 liters of water." It is as if we have a really leaky faucet that starts out with a ton of water but only ends up with a few drops when it reaches its destination. There are far too many useful resources being misused on the production of cattle for consumption. The website I have linked above is quite scary, and it is a glaring reminder that we are taking agriculture too far, after all it isn't only cattle and their needs that are causing harm, it is also the crops themselves.