Here at The Science Liaisons, we write about the things that really matter. We also have access to a time machine, so we are able to write about things you will care about in the future, as well as topics that have already been cared for and subsequently text-message-broken-up-with. We write about things we like, at the moment, and hope that some of the things we say are true, not unlike the Bible, actually.

Friday, February 19, 2010

"if people don't know who you are, nobody cares" -anonymous

Isn't it funny when people say college career? Did I completely miss the boat, we got paid to wake up early, drive to a place where you are almost guaranteed to find no parking spots, sit uncomfortably in a room where old people talk at you, and be depressed most of the semester and suicidal during finals?

...I digress, in fact college wasn't a huge butt plug, I enjoyed most of the time I spent there. College was a means for me to sort through all of the crap I had been fed, and discern for myself if it was indeed straight booty, or factual in some dubious, convoluted way. Every single day facts and figures are thrown my way via the television, newspaper/magazines, internet, and friends and family. Most statistics that are shown in popular media outlets are really just used for shock factor. They are attention grabbing, and hopefully life altering. But let's be clear, not everything you read, see, or hear is accurate. Not everything in our surrounding environment is as it seems. It is imperative that you understand that critical thought is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal of life-living and decision-making.

Unfortunate or not, we are a product of our environment and we pick up on each other. The current population of humans is all thanks to generations and generations of failed-and-learned-from mistakes; Social evolution, all thanks to our ancestors. I am a firm believer in building off of one another, learning from one another, and creating new thoughts for ourselves. Just look at all of the information and technology booms in the last few decades. We must keep in mind, however, that we must bring a commitment to accuracy and understanding in order for us to excel and move onto the next generation of learning.

Just because something is in quotes doesn't give it merit, plain and simple. If there is a statistic for it, it doesn't mean it is truthful. Let's get together and talk about some things that you think are so stupid but still exist in people's minds.

Let's bring creativity and critical thought back, cool?

The Fact is, there are no facts.

I am the one to credit with that quote, so don't go posting it elsewhere unless I get my royalties!!


  1. Preach much? And was this directed at me and my wholly factual articles? Because I only speak the truth my friend, and I don't appreciate your telling people otherwise. How am I supposed to build my Army of zombies if you're telling everyone to think for themselves? I mean, seriously bro, you're harshing my mellow and quite frankly that won't end well for you. The last time someone harshed my mellow like that, well let's just say no one talks about little Hellen Heller anymore, ok? (I told everyone she was a communist)

  2. How about... 56% of Internet pictures are cropped incorrectly cuttiong off important letters or necessary parts...

