I Only Watched The First 3 Minutes
Usually my response goes something like this:
"Dear n00b$f8,
Thank you for reading our blog! It's so nice to see that the youth of the great undeveloped nations of the world (judging by your somewhat tenuous grasp of the English language) has an interest in what we're writing about! Now, on to what you said in your email.
While I can see why you would think that time travel isn't possible, as it seems counter-intuitive to how we perceive time and the natural world (as Newton thought, progress only ever moves forward through time in a straight line, right?). However, because we live in a spatial universe where time is interwoven into that fabric, certain physical laws can be bent. But, as you'll see if you come back and read my blog post on this very subject, there are problems with that if you believe at all in free will.
As far as your other comment goes, I would first like to point out that Ashton Kutcher is not a good actor. I would also like to say that the paradoxes are avoidable, if they exist at all. Check back sometime to see why.
Thanks again for your time,
So here it is, my explanation of how our time machine works. Later this week, just in case there are some non-believers out there (like I would ever lie to you, my dear reader), I will post the meticulously recorded transcript of one of my time-traveling misadventures in honor of the greatest day in the history of the world, February 12th. Now, on to how our time machine works.
There are a lot of different theories about time travel, and how it can possibly be achieved. Most have to do with Einstein's Theories of General and Special Relativity. Special Relativity details how the speed of light is constant for all observers, because nothing can travel faster. What this has to do with time travel is simple, and it's called time dilation. Time dilation is similar to the story of The Tortoise and the Hare, except it's nothing like that at all. Supposing I'm traveling close to the speed of light (as I'm wont to do), and you're not, you will age quicker than I will. This has already been done with astronauts in orbit, who age nanoseconds less than people on Earth. So, if you can travel at or close to the speed of light for an extended period of time, when you slow down the Earth will have progressed past you and you'll be in the future. There is also a theory that says if you can travel past the speed of light, you may be able to go into the past. Almost like in Richard Donner's original Superman, when Superman finds out that he couldn't save Lois Lane in time and he freaks out and decides that he'll break every known law of physics and turn the Earth's rotation around in the vague hopes that maybe he'll reverse time and have a second chance at saving her which - thanks to the fact that it's only a movie - totally works and he totally saves her and totally ends up with the girl eventually, maybe, I've never actually seen it.
The Best Picture of Superman I Could Find
Of course, traveling anywhere near the speed of light with current technology isn't possible, let alone surpassing lightspeed in order to travel into the past. It also defies the laws of physics, as in order to travel past the speed of light one would need to have infinite mass. We know that kinetic energy is converted to mass thanks to E=mc2. To have infinite mass (and also apparently stop in time) just doesn't make sense according to Einstein, so we'll have to count that one out. Not to mention that method requires a lot of waiting. I'm not interested in that. So what other options do I have?
There is the other theory of relativity, the less fancy sounding General Theory of Relativity. This basically states that mass displaces spacetime, which is in itself a cause of gravity. If the gravity is strong enough, it may warp spacetime enough that you can travel through time (remember earlier how I mentioned that spacetime is like a fabric, all interwoven and shit? Well it can also bend like a fabric). Black holes are massive enough to do this. However, black holes are also massive enough to tear you apart atom by atom. That, to me anyhow, just doesn't sound too pleasant. Not to mention the fact I couldn't afford the bus ticket to get there.
A similar idea to traveling through a black hole is to go through a wormhole. What's the difference you ask? Well, according to Michio Kaku's book Physics of the Impossible, black holes are "non-transversable wormholes" while a wormhole is, in fact, a "transversable wormhole". What this means is that black holes are a one way trip (because they destroy you at their event horizons) while wormholes in the sense time travelers like myself discuss them are not. The trick to using wormholes (besides generating one) and surviving the event horizon of one is a little something called negative energy. This is not the same as antimatter, as it doesn't destroy any matter it comes into contact with but, rather, repels it. Which is why it would be so perfect to get through the event horizon of a wormhole.
So what's the issue with this theory? A few things, but mostly the insane amount of energy it would need to work. At least the equivalence of the energy that wants to tear you apart. Even if you were able to harness that energy, there would be enough radiation generated by the wormhole to kill you instantly if it were stable enough to stay open at all. These are a lot of variables for me to be worrying about as I have my sexy adventures through time.
And yet, I do have sexy adventures through time. All because of the time machine that n00b$f8 mentioned in his email, and we've written about in our heading to our blog. But how does it work? Well allow me to ask you this, n00b$f8 and others like him/her/it, do you know how your iPod works? Or do you just use it, thankful that it does work? Because I've never read the users manual to my Time Machine either.

Our Time Machine Looks Like Santa's Sleigh
Check back soon for Part II: The Paradoxes and next week for Part III: My Time with Lincoln and Darwin!
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